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Why Choose Us?

Since 2018, I have been engaged in studying and helping potential J.D applicants maximize their LSAT potential. In the summer of 2021 I founded Optimal LSAT to share my approach with other tutors who've scored in the 99th percentile. Through my individualized and holistic approach, I have found a method of teaching that yields serious results and significant score increases. Unlike large tutoring services such as 7sage or Blueprint, Optimal LSAT creates a tailored syllabus for each individual client to most effectively tackle the deficits in their methods of reasoning. Contact us for a free one on one consultation to learn more about how our approach can help you crush the LSAT.

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Tutor & Founder

With a 175 LSAT score and an extensive background in one-on-one tutoring, my teaching methods have helped countless students achieve phenomenal LSAT scores well above their diagnostic scores. With the right approach and mindset I believe almost anyone can acquire the skills necessary for achieving a strong LSAT score and an exceptional grounding in logical and analytical reasoning. 


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I am an LSAT tutor with an official score of 172. I began my LSAT journey in 2019 and have close to 1,000 hours of experience studying for this exam. I have completed and reviewed over 50 prep tests and am familiar with a variety of teaching methods. The LSAT is highly learnable. I enjoy working with students to master the language of this exam.

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